BD Jobs today :: Post Recent Job circular — Marie Stopes Bangladesh Job Circular 2021 –
Marie Stopes Bangladesh Today publishes Marie Stopes Bangladesh Job circular 2021. Marie stopes career is now a dependable career at HTTP Marie stopes org bd join our team is available Today published a new job on their website. Many Bangladeshi job finders search in google Marie stopes application form. see below the Marie stopes application form now apply online.
Some knowledge about the marine stops Bangladesh health organization. The Marie Stopes Bangladesh is looking for a Manager -Training who develops and leads strategies for the expansion and strengthening of MSB’s training programs, prepare training calendar based on Training to need analysis, and conduct/ execution/ implementation of training as per plan. today posted the marine stopes career in bangladesh.
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now today Marie stopes job 2021 is dedicated to alleviating poverty and empowering poor people. Marie Stopes’s goal is the Skills Development Programme. Marie Stopes Bangladesh is a UK-based international healthcare organization operating in Bangladesh for more than 30 years. In recent times the Marie Stopes Bangladesh organization hire new job holders of many job careers. I think you also fresher are encouraged to Marie Stopes Bangladesh apply for the position. See carefully below the original image of Marie Stopes Bangladesh.
Marie Stopes Bangladesh Job Circular 2021
Today Marie stope Bangladesh posted the ফিল্ড কো-অর্ডিনেটর – (পুরুষ ) post. all the educational qualifications and descriptions. apply instruction also below.
Marie stopes ngo job circular in summary:
Name of Organization: Marie Stopes Bangladesh
Job Published Date: 07, December 2021
Post Position: ফিল্ড কো-অর্ডিনেটর – (পুরুষ )
Job Types: NGO Jobs
Age Limit: Any
Total Number of Vacancies: N/A
Salary Range: Negotiable
Educational Requirements: Graduate
Application Deadline: 18, 20, December 2021

সম্পূর্ণ বিজ্ঞপ্তি দেখুন ও আবেদন করুন এখানে
Marie stopes application form Apply Process 2021
Interested agency/consultants are requested to submit proposal and supporting documents as per ToR in a sealed envelopeআগ্রহী প্রার্থীকে দুইকপি পাসপোর্ট সাইজের ছবি, দুইজন পরিচয়দানকারীর (অনাত্মীয়) নাম, ঠিকানাসহ [যার একজনকে অবশ্যই পূর্বের/বর্তমান কর্মস্থলের হতে হবে] পূর্ণাঙ্গ জীবন বৃত্তান্ত অথবা মেরী স্টোপস বাংলাদেশ এর নির্ধারিত CV ফরমে প্রয়োজনীয় শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা, অভিজ্ঞতা ও প্রশিক্ষণের কাগজপত্রসহ মহা-ব্যবস্থাপক, মানব সম্পদ ও প্রশাসন, মেরী স্টোপস বাংলাদেশ, বাড়ী # ৬/২, ব্লক # এফ, কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম রোড, লালমাটিয়া হাউজিং এস্টেট, ঢাকা – ১২০৭ ঠিকানায় পাঠাতে অনুরোধ করা যাচ্ছে। CV ফরম পাওয়া যাবে { এই লিংকে ।
marie stopes application form
If you are passionate about making a difference in society, please send your resume via email: or send hard copy to General Manager, HR & Administration, Marie Stopes Bangladesh, House # 6/2, Block # F, Lalmatia Housing Estate, Dhaka – 1207 by December 18, 20, 2021.
Before apply Marie stopes application form 2021 Please read all information get more updates about Marie Stopes Job Circular visit there official website at If you face any problems when applying Marie Stopes jobs circular please inbox our site In brief. Thanks for stay visit our website.
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